Hearing Voices? Me Too!

Something weird happened to me on Pentacost.  Actually, other people might think it’s weird; I’m starting to get used to it.  I was driving home from Church and I was barraged with many negative feelings all at once.  They weren’t “other” voices that I heard in my ears but there were words formed in my mind.  These words said “why do you bother doing this?  There’s nothing after this life.  You’ll be separated from your son forever.”  As I was hearing/feeling this, I actually got scared and my thoughts said, “Really?”  Then a distinct voice spoke to my heart and said “Lies.”  To distract myself from these voices/feelings I turned on the radio.  Fortunately, it was on my local Christian station, Z88.3.  It’s all I listen to anymore, at least when driving.  The song was Voice of Truth and boy did I need to hear it.  It was one of my favorite songs by a band I love, Casting Crowns.  The song spoke words of comfort:  The voice of truth tells me a different story.  The voice of truth says do not be afraid.  The voice of truth says this is for my glory.  Out of all the voices calling out to me, I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth.”

The Voice of Truth is always calling out to us in the midst of all the other voices and feelings distracting us and even harming us.  Call on the Holy Spirit.  It was sent to the disciples of Christ and it has come to us to give us peace and direction.  Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful with peace and love!

Jennifer Kuiper